Monday, October 29, 2007

Treat Yourself Well!

Since we all need to spend time sitting at the computer working on our businesses, surfing at various traffic exchanges and answering email it's easy to forget that we need to take care of something extremely important - our health! I promise I will not mention junk food or soft drinks - I would rather share with you some habits I have formed that were born out of not feeling well due to my sedatary job.

Approximately every 30 - 45 minutes I get away from the computer and get my body moving, whether it be stretching, doing some Yoga, housework, going for a walk, etc. Your body will feel better once the oxygen starts flowing to all your cells again and your mind and soul will feel nourished too! Sometimes I just like to go outside and enjoy the beauty of my own back yard.

Just two more items and then I promise I will stop. Drink plenty of water - I cannot stress enough how important it is to drink water throughout the day and don't make the mistake I did by eating a light meal or snack at the computer. It's surprising how much and how fast one can eat when they are not paying attention.

Back to work we go - I hope you all have a great day and remember, be kind to yourselves because YOU ARE WORTH IT!

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